基本ラテン (032-127)
032 Space
033!Exclamation Mark
034"Quotation Mark
035#Number Sign
036$Dollar Sign
037%Percent Sign
040(Left Parenthesis
041)Right Parenthesis
043+Plus Sign
046.Full Stop (Period)
047/Solidus (Slash)
0480Digit Zero
0491Digit One
0502Digit Two
0513Digit Three
0524Digit Four
0535Digit Five
0546Digit Six
0557Digit Seven
0568Digit Eight
0579Digit Nine
060<Less-Than Sign
061=Equals Sign
062>Greater-Than Sign
063?Question Mark
064@Commercial At
065ALatin Capital Letter A
066BLatin Capital Letter B
067CLatin Capital Letter C
068DLatin Capital Letter D
069ELatin Capital Letter E
070FLatin Capital Letter F
071GLatin Capital Letter G
072HLatin Capital Letter H
073ILatin Capital Letter I
074JLatin Capital Letter J
075KLatin Capital Letter K
076LLatin Capital Letter L
077MLatin Capital Letter M
078NLatin Capital Letter N
079OLatin Capital Letter O
080PLatin Capital Letter P
081QLatin Capital Letter Q
082RLatin Capital Letter R
083SLatin Capital Letter S
084TLatin Capital Letter T
085ULatin Capital Letter U
086VLatin Capital Letter V
087WLatin Capital Letter W
088XLatin Capital Letter X
089YLatin Capital Letter Y
090ZLatin Capital Letter Z
091[Left Squqre Bracket (Opening Square Bracket/Bracketleft)
092\Reverse Solidus (Backslash)
093]Right Squqre Bracket (Closing Square Bracket/Bracketright)
094^Circumflex Accent(Spacing Circumfles/Asciicircum)
095_Low Line(Spacing Underscore/Underscore)
096`Grave Accent(Spacing Grave/Grave)
097aLatin Small Letter A
098bLatin Small Letter B
099cLatin Small Letter C
100dLatin Small Letter D
101eLatin Small Letter E
102fLatin Small Letter F
103gLatin Small Letter G
104hLatin Small Letter H
105iLatin Small Letter I
106jLatin Small Letter J
107kLatin Small Letter K
108lLatin Small Letter L
109mLatin Small Letter M
110nLatin Small Letter N
111oLatin Small Letter O
112pLatin Small Letter P
113qLatin Small Letter Q
114rLatin Small Letter R
115sLatin Small Letter S
116tLatin Small Letter T
117uLatin Small Letter U
118vLatin Small Letter V
119wLatin Small Letter W
120xLatin Small Letter X
121yLatin Small Letter Y
122zLatin Small Letter Z
123{Left Curly Bracket(Opening Curly Bracket/Braceleft)
124|Vertical Line(Vertical Bar/Bar)
125}Right Curly Bracket(Closing Curly Bracket/Braceright)
126~Tilde (Asciitilde)
基本ラテン (128-127)
ラテン-1 補助 (160-255)
160 No-Break Space(Non-Breaking Space)
161¡Inverted Exclamation Mark(exclamdown)
162¢Cent Sign
163£Pound Sign(sterling)
164¤Currency Sign
165¥Yen Sign
166¦Broken Bar(Broken Vertical Bar)
167§Section Sign
168¨Diaeresis(Spacing Diaeresis)
169©Copyright Sign
170ªFeminine Ordinal Indicator
171«Left-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark(Left Pointing Guillemet/Guillemotleft)
172¬Not Sign(Logicalnot)
173­Soft Hyphen(Hyphen)
174®Regitered Sign(Registered Trade Mark Sign/Registered)
175¯Macron(Spacing Macron)
176°Degree Sign
177±Plus-Minus Sign(Plus-Or-Minus Sign/Plusminus)
178²Superscript Two(Superscript Digit Two/Twosuperior)
179³Superscript Three(Superscript Digit Three/Threesuperior)
180´Acute Accent(Spacing Acute/Acute)
181µMicro Sign(Mu)
182Pilcrow Sign(Paragraph Sign)
183·Middle Dot(Periodcentered)
184¸Cedilla(Spacing Cedilla)
185¹Superscript One(Superscript Digit One/Onesuperior)
186ºMasculine Ordinal Indicator(Ordmasculine)
187»Right-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark(Right Pointing Guillemet/Guillemotright)
188¼Vulgar Fraction One Quarter(Fraction One Quarter/Onequarter)
189½Vulgar Fraction One Half(Fraction One Half/Onehalf)
190¾Vulgar Fraction Three Quarters(Fraction Three Quarters/Threequarters)
191¿Inverted Question Mark(Questiondown)
192ÀLatin Capital Letter A with Grave(Latin Capital Letter A Grave/Agrave)
193ÁLatin Capital Letter A with Acute(Latin Capital Letter A Acute/Aacute)
194ÂLatin Capital Letter A with Circumflex(Latin Capital Letter A Circumflex/Acircumflex)
195ÃLatin Capital Letter A with Tilde(Latin Capital Letter A Tilde/Atilde)
196ÄLatin Capital Letter A with Diaeresis(Latin Capital Letter A Diaeresis/Adieresis)
197ÅLatin Capital Letter A with Ring Above(Latin Capital Letter A Ring/Aring)
198ÆLatin Capital Letter AE(Latin Capital Letter A E/AE)
199ÇLatin Capital Letter C with Cedilla(Latin Capital Letter C Cedilla/Ccedilla)
200ÈLatin Capital Letter E with Grave(Latin Capital Letter E Grave/Egrave)
201ÉLatin Capital Letter E with Acute(Latin Capital Letter E Acute/Eacute)
202ÊLatin Capital Letter E with Circumflex(Latin Capital Letter E Circumflex/Ecircumflex)
203ËLatin Capital Letter E with Diaeresis(Latin Capital Letter E Diaeresis/Edieresis)
204ÌLatin Capital Letter I with Grave(Latin Capital Letter I Grave/Igrave)
205ÍLatin Capital Letter I with Acute(Latin Capital Letter I Acute/Iacute)
206ÎLatin Capital Letter I with Circumflex(Latin Capital Letter I Circumflex/Icircumflex)
207ÏLatin Capital Letter I with Diaeresis(Latin Capital Letter I Diaeresis/Idieresis)
208ÐLatin Capital Letter Eth(Eth)
209ÑLatin Capital Letter N with Tilde(Latin Capital Letter N Tilde/Ntilde)
210ÒLatin Capital Letter O with Grave(Latin Capital Letter O Grave/Ograve)
211ÓLatin Capital Letter O with Acute(Latin Capital Letter O Acute/Oacute)
212ÔLatin Capital Letter O with Circumflex(Latin Capital Letter O Circumflex/Ocircumflex)
213ÕLatin Capital Letter O with Tilde(Latin Capital Letter O Tilde/Otilde)
214ÖLatin Capital Letter O with Diaeresis(Latin Capital Letter O Diaeresis/Odieresis)
215×Multiplication Sign(Multiply)
216ØLatin Capital Letter O with Stroke(Latin Capital Letter O Slash/Oslash)
217ÙLatin Capital Letter U with Grave(Latin Capital Letter U Grave/Ugrave)
218ÚLatin Capital Letter U with Acute(Latin Capital Letter U Acute/Uacute)
219ÛLatin Capital Letter U with Circumflex(Latin Capital Letter U Circumflex/Ucircumflex)
220ÜLatin Capital Letter U with Diaeresis(Latin Capital Letter U Diaeresis/Udieresis)
221ÝLatin Capital Letter Y with Acute(Latin Capital Letter Y Acute/Yacute)
222ÞLatin Capital Letter Thorn (Thorn)
223ßLatin Small Letter Sharp S(Germandbls)
224àLatin Small Letter A with Grave(Latin Small Letter A Grave/agrave)
225áLatin Small Letter A with Acute(Latin Small Letter A Acute/aacute)
226âLatin Small Letter A with Circumflex(Latin Small Letter A Circumflex/acircumflex)
227ãLatin Small Letter A with Tilde(Latin Small Letter A Tilde/atilde)
228äLatin Small Letter A with Diaeresis(Latin Small Letter A Diaeresis/adieresis)
229åLatin Small Letter A with Ring Above(Latin Small Letter A Ring/aring)
230æLatin Small Letter AE(Latin Small Letter A E/ae)
231çLatin Small Letter C with Cedilla(Latin Small Letter C Cedilla/ccedilla)
232èLatin Small Letter E with Grave(Latin Small Letter E Grave/egrave)
233éLatin Small Letter E with Acute(Latin Small Letter E Acute/eacute)
234êLatin Small Letter E with Circumflex(Latin Small Letter E Circumflex/ecircumflex)
235ëLatin Small Letter E with Diaeresis(Latin Small Letter E Diaeresis/edieresis)
236ìLatin Small Letter I with Grave(Latin Small Letter I Grave/igrave)
237íLatin Small Letter I with Acute(Latin Small Letter I Acute/iacute)
238îLatin Small Letter I with Circumflex(Latin Small Letter I Circumflex/icircumflex)
239ïLatin Small Letter I with Diaeresis(Latin Small Letter I Diaeresis/idieresis)
240ðLatin Small Letter Eth(eth)
241ñLatin Small Letter N with Tilde(Latin Small Letter N Tilde/ntilde)
242òLatin Small Letter O with Grave(Latin Small Letter O Grave/ograve)
243óLatin Small Letter O with Acute(Latin Small Letter O Acute/oacute)
244ôLatin Small Letter O with Circumflex(Latin Small Letter O Circumflex/ocircumflex)
245õLatin Small Letter O with Tilde(Latin Small Letter O Tilde/otilde)
246öLatin Small Letter O with Diaeresis(Latin Small Letter O Diaeresis/odieresis)
247÷Division Sign(Division)
248øLatin Small Letter O with Stroke(Latin Small Letter O Slash/oslash)
249ùLatin Small Letter U with Grave(Latin Small Letter U Grave/ugrave)
250úLatin Small Letter U with Acute(Latin Small Letter U Acute/uacute)
251ûLatin Small Letter U with Circumflex(Latin Small Letter U Circumflex/ucircumflex)
252üLatin Small Letter U with Diaeresis(Latin Small Letter U Diaeresis/udieresis)
253ýLatin Small Letter Y with Acute(Latin Small Letter Y Acute/yacute)
254þLatin Small Letter Thorn (thorn)
255ÿLatin Small Letter Y with Diaeresis(Latin Small Letter Y Diaeresis/ydieresis)
ラテン拡張 A (256-383)
256ĀLatin Capital Letter A with Macron(Latin Capital Letter A Macron/Amacron)
257āLatin Small Letter A with Macron(Latin Small Letter A Macron/amacron)
258ĂLatin Capital Letter A with Breve(Latin Capital Letter A Breve/Abreve)
259ăLatin Small Letter A with Breve(Latin Small Letter A Breve/abreve)
260ĄLatin Capital Letter A with Ogonek(Latin Capital Letter A Ogonek/Aogonek)
261ąLatin Small Letter A with Ogonek(Latin Small Letter A Ogonek/ogonek)
262ĆLatin Capital Letter C with Acute(Latin Capital Letter C Acute/Cacute)
263ćLatin Small Letter C with Acute(Latin Small Letter C Acute/cacute)
264ĈLatin Capital Letter C with Circumflex(Latin Capital Letter C Circumflex/Ccircumflex)
265ĉLatin Small Letter C with Circumflex(Latin Small Letter C Circumflex/ccircumflex)
266ĊLatin Capital Letter C with Dot Above(Latin Capital Letter C Dot/Cdotaccent)
267ċLatin Small Letter C with Dot Above(Latin Small Letter C Dot/cdotaccent)
268ČLatin Capital Letter C with Caron(Latin Capital Letter C Hacek/Ccaron)
269čLatin Small Letter C with Caron(Latin Small Letter C Hacek/ccaron)
270ĎLatin Capital Letter D with Caron(Latin Capital Letter D Hacek/Dcaron)
271ďLatin Small Letter D with Caron(Latin Small Letter D Hacek/dcaron)
272ĐLatin Capital Letter D with Stroke(Latin Capital Letter D Bar/Dcroat)
273đLatin Small Letter D with Stroke(Latin Small Letter D Bar/dcroat)
274ĒLatin Capital Letter E with Macron(Latin Capital Letter E Macron/Emacron)
275ēLatin Small Letter E with Macron(Latin Small Letter E Macron/emacron)
276ĔLatin Capital Letter E with Breve(Latin Capital Letter E Breve/Ebreve)
277ĕLatin Small Letter E with Breve(Latin Small Letter E Breve/ebreve)
278ĖLatin Capital Letter E with Dot Above(Latin Capital Letter E Dot/Edotaccent)
279ėLatin Small Letter E with Dot Above(Latin Small Letter E Dot/edotaccent)
280ĘLatin Capital Letter E with Ogonek(Latin Capital Letter E Ogonek/Eogonek)
281ęLatin Small Letter E with Ogonek(Latin Small Letter E Ogonek/egonek)
282ĚLatin Capital Letter E with Caron(Latin Capital Letter E Hacek/Ecaron)
283ěLatin Small Letter E with Caron(Latin Small Letter E Hacek/ecaron)
284ĜLatin Capital Letter G with Circumflex(Latin Capital Letter G Circumflex/Gcircumflex)
285ĝLatin Small Letter G with Circumflex(Latin Small Letter G Circumflex/gcircumflex)
286ĞLatin Capital Letter G with Breve(Latin Capital Letter G Breve/Gbreve)
287ğLatin Small Letter G with Breve(Latin Small Letter G Breve/gbreve)
288ĠLatin Capital Letter G with Dot Above(Latin Capital Letter G Dot/Gdotaccent)
289ġLatin Small Letter G with Dot Above(Latin Small Letter G Dot/gdotaccent)
290ĢLatin Capital Letter G with Cedilla(Latin Capital Letter G Cedilla/Gcommaacent)
291ģLatin Small Letter G with Cedilla(Latin Small Letter G Cedilla/gcommaacent)
292ĤLatin Capital Letter H with Circumflex(Latin Capital Letter H Circumflex/Hcircumflex)
293ĥLatin Small Letter H with Circumflex(Latin Small Letter H Circumflex/hcircumflex)
294ĦLatin Capital Letter H with Stroke(Latin Capital Letter H Bar/Hcroat)
295ħLatin Small Letter H with Stroke(Latin Small Letter H Bar/hcroat)
296ĨLatin Capital Letter H with Tilde(Latin Capital Letter H Tilde/Htilde)
297ĩLatin Small Letter H with Tilde(Latin Small Letter H Tilde/htilde)
298ĪLatin Capital Letter I with Macron(Latin Capital Letter I Macron/Imacron)
299īLatin Small Letter I with Macron(Latin Small Letter I Macron/imacron)
300ĬLatin Capital Letter I with Breve(Latin Capital Letter I Breve/Ibreve)
301ĭLatin Small Letter I with Breve(Latin Small Letter I Breve/ibreve)
302ĮLatin Capital Letter I with Ogonek(Latin Capital Letter I Ogonek/Iogonek)
303įLatin Small Letter I with Ogonek(Latin Small Letter I Ogonek/igonek)
304İLatin Capital Letter I with Dot Above(Latin Capital Letter I Dot/Idotaccent)
305ıLatin Small Letter Dotless I(Dotlessi)
306IJLatin Capital Letter IJ(Latin Capital Letter I J/IJ)
307ijLatin Small Letter IJ(Latin Small Letter I J/IJ)
308ĴLatin Capital Letter J with Circumflex(Latin Capital Letter J Circumflex/Jcircumflex)
309ĵLatin Small Letter J with Circumflex(Latin Small Letter J Circumflex/jcircumflex)
310ĶLatin Capital Letter K with Cedilla(Latin Capital Letter K Cedilla/Kcommaacent)
311ķLatin Small Letter K with Cedilla(Latin Small Letter K Cedilla/kcommaacent)
312ĸLatin Small Letter Kra(Kgreenlandic)
313ĹLatin Capital Letter L with Acute(Latin Capital Letter L Acute/Lacute)
314ĺLatin Small Letter L with Acute(Latin Small Letter L Acute/lacute)
315ĻLatin Capital Letter L with Cedilla(Latin Capital Letter L Cedilla/Lcommaacent)
316ļLatin Small Letter L with Cedilla(Latin Small Letter L Cedilla/lcommaacent)
317ĽLatin Capital Letter L with Caron(Latin Capital Letter L Hacek/Lcaron)
318ľLatin Small Letter L with Caron(Latin Small Letter L Hacek/lcaron)
319ĿLatin Capital Letter L with Middle Dot(Ldot)
320ŀLatin Small Letter L with Middle Dot(ldot)
321ŁLatin Capital Letter L with Stroke(Latin Capital Letter L Slash/Lslash)
322łLatin Small Letter L with Stroke(Latin Small Letter L Slash/lslash)
323ŃLatin Capital Letter N with Acute(Latin Capital Letter N Acute/Nacute)
324ńLatin Small Letter N with Acute(Latin Small Letter N Acute/nacute)
325ŅLatin Capital Letter N with Cedilla(Latin Capital Letter N Cedilla/Ncommaacent)
326ņLatin Small Letter N with Cedilla(Latin Small Letter N Cedilla/ncommaacent)
327ŇLatin Capital Letter N with Caron(Latin Capital Letter N Hacek/Ncaron)
328ňLatin Small Letter N with Caron(Latin Small Letter N Hacek/ncaron)
329ʼnLatin Small Letter N Preceded by Apostrophe(Latin Small Letter Apostrophe N/napostrophe)
330ŊLatin Capital Letter Eng(Eng)
331ŋLatin Small Letter Eng(eng)
332ŌLatin Capital Letter O with Macron(Latin Capital Letter O Macron/Omacron)
333ōLatin Small Letter O with Macron(Latin Small Letter O Macron/omacron)
334ŎLatin Capital Letter O with Breve(Latin Capital Letter O Breve/Obreve)
335ŏLatin Small Letter O with Breve(Latin Small Letter O Breve/obreve)
336ŐLatin Capital Letter O with Double Acute(Latin Capital Letter O Double Acute/Ohungarumlaut)
337őLatin Small Letter O with Double Acute(Latin Small Letter O Double Acute/ohungarumlaut)
338ŒLatin Capital Ligature OE(Latin Capital Letter O E/OE)
339œLatin Small Ligature OE(Latin Small Letter O E/oe)
340ŔLatin Capital Letter R with Acute(Latin Capital Letter R Acute/Racute)
341ŕLatin Small Letter R with Acute(Latin Small Letter R Acute/racute)
342ŖLatin Capital Letter R with Cedilla(Latin Capital Letter R Cedilla/Rcommaacent)
343ŗLatin Small Letter R with Cedilla(Latin Small Letter R Cedilla/rcommaacent)
344ŘLatin Capital Letter R with Caron(Latin Capital Letter R Hacek/Rcaron)
345řLatin Small Letter R with Caron(Latin Small Letter R Hacek/rcaron)
346ŚLatin Capital Letter S with Acute(Latin Capital Letter S Acute/Sacute)
347śLatin Small Letter S with Acute(Latin Small Letter S Acute/sacute)
348ŜLatin Capital Letter S with Circumflex(Latin Capital Letter S Circumflex/Scircumflex)
349ŝLatin Small Letter S with Circumflex(Latin Small Letter S Circumflex/scircumflex)
350ŞLatin Capital Letter S with Cedilla(Latin Capital Letter S Cedilla/Scommaacent)
351şLatin Small Letter S with Cedilla(Latin Small Letter S Cedilla/scommaacent)
352ŠLatin Capital Letter S with Caron(Latin Capital Letter S Hacek/Scaron)
353šLatin Small Letter S with Caron(Latin Small Letter S Hacek/scaron)
354ŢLatin Capital Letter T with Cedilla(Latin Capital Letter T Cedilla/Tcommaacent)
355ţLatin Small Letter T with Cedilla(Latin Small Letter T Cedilla/tcommaacent)
356ŤLatin Capital Letter T with Caron(Latin Capital Letter T Hacek/Tcaron)
357ťLatin Small Letter T with Caron(Latin Small Letter T Hacek/tcaron)
358ŦLatin Capital Letter T with Stroke(Latin Capital Letter T Bar/Tbar)
359ŧLatin Small Letter T with Stroke(Latin Small Letter T Bar/tbar)
360ŨLatin Capital Letter U with Tilde(Latin Capital Letter U Tilde/Utilde)
361ũLatin Small Letter U with Tilde(Latin Small Letter U Tilde/utilde)
362ŪLatin Capital Letter U with Macron(Latin Capital Letter U Macron/Umacron)
363ūLatin Small Letter U with Macron(Latin Small Letter U Macron/umacron)
364ŬLatin Capital Letter U with Breve(Latin Capital Letter U Breve/Ubreve)
365ŭLatin Small Letter U with Breve(Latin Small Letter U Breve/ubreve)
366ŮLatin Capital Letter U with Ring Above(Latin Capital Letter U Ring/Uring)
367ůLatin Small Letter U with Ring Above(Latin Small Letter U Ring/uring)
368ŰLatin Capital Letter U with Double Acute(Latin Capital Letter U Double Acute/Uhungarumlaut)
369űLatin Small Letter U with Double Acute(Latin Small Letter U Double Acute/uhungarumlaut)
370ŲLatin Capital Letter U with Ogonek(Latin Capital Letter U Ogonek/Uogonek)
371ųLatin Small Letter U with Ogonek(Latin Small Letter U Ogonek/ugonek)
372ŴLatin Capital Letter W with Circumflex(Latin Capital Letter W Circumflex/Wcircumflex)
373ŵLatin Small Letter W with Circumflex(Latin Small Letter W Circumflex/wcircumflex)
374ŶLatin Capital Letter Y with Circumflex(Latin Capital Letter Y Circumflex/Ycircumflex)
375ŷLatin Small Letter Y with Circumflex(Latin Small Letter Y Circumflex/ycircumflex)
376ŸLatin Capital Letter Y with Diaeresis(Latin Capital Letter Y Diaeresis/Ydieresis)
377ŹLatin Capital Letter Z with Acute(Latin Capital Letter Z Acute/Zacute)
378źLatin Small Letter Z with Acute(Latin Small Letter Z Acute/zacute)
379ŻLatin Capital Letter Z with Dot Above(Latin Capital Letter Z Dot/Zdotaccent)
380żLatin Small Letter Z with Dot Above(Latin Small Letter Z Dot/zdotaccent)
381ŽLatin Capital Letter Z with Caron(Latin Capital Letter Z Hacek/Zcaron)
382žLatin Small Letter Z with Caron(Latin Small Letter Z Hacek/zcaron)
383ſLatin Small Letter Long S(longs)
ラテン拡張 B (384-591)
384ƀLatin Small Letter B with Stroke(Latin Small Letter B Bar)
385ƁLatin Capital Letter B with Hook(Latin Capital Letter B Hook)
386ƂLatin Capital Letter B with Topbar(Latin Capital Letter B Topbar)
387ƃLatin Small Letter B with Topbar(Latin Small Letter B Topbar)
388ƄLatin Capital Letter Tone Six
389ƅLatin Small Letter Tone Six
390ƆLatin Capital Letter Open O
391ƇLatin Capital Letter C with Hook(Latin Capital Letter C Hook)
392ƈLatin Small Letter C with Hook(Latin Small Letter C Hook)
393ƉLatin Capital Letter African D
394ƊLatin Capital Letter D with Hook(Latin Capital Letter D Hook)
395ƋLatin Capital Letter D with Topbar(Latin Capital Letter D Topbar)
396ƌLatin Small Letter D with Topbar(Latin Small Letter D Topbar)
397ƍLatin Small Letter Turned Delta
398ƎLatin Capital Letter Reversed E(Latin Capital Letter Turned E)
399ƏLatin Capital Letter Schwa
400ƐLatin Capital Letter Open E(Latin Capital Epsilon)
401ƑLatin Capital Letter F with Hook(Latin Capital Letter F Hook)
402ƒLatin Small Letter F with Hook(Latin Small Letter Script F/florin)
403ƓLatin Capital Letter G with Hook(Latin Capital Letter G Hook)
404ƔLatin Capital Letter Gamma
405ƕLatin Small Letter HV (Latin Small Letter H V)
406ƖLatin Capital Letter Iota
407ƗLatin Capital Letter I with Stroke(Latin Small Letter Barred I)
408ƘLatin Capital Letter K with Hook(Latin Capital Letter K Hook)
409ƙLatin Small Letter K with Hook(Latin Small Letter K Hook)
410ƚLatin Small Letter L with Bar(Latin Small Letter Barred L)
411ƛLatin Small Letter Lambda with Stroke(Latin Small Barred Lambda)
412ƜLatin Capital Letter Turned M
413ƝLatin Capital Letter N with Left Hook(Latin Capital Letter N Hook)
414ƞLatin Small Letter N with Long Right Leg
415ƟLatin Capital Letter O with Middle Tilde(Latin Capital Letter Barred O)
416ƠLatin Capital Letter O with Horn(Latin Capital Letter O Horn/Ohorn)
417ơLatin Small Letter O with Horn(Latin Small Letter O Horn/ohorn)
418ƢLatin Capital Letter OI(Latin Capital Letter O I)
419ƣLatin Small Letter OI(Latin Small Letter O I)
420ƤLatin Capital Letter P with Hook(Latin Capital Letter P Hook)
421ƥLatin Small Letter P with Hook(Latin Small Letter P Hook)
422ƦLatin Letter YR(Latin Letter Y R)
423ƧLatin Capital Letter Tone Two
424ƨLatin Small Letter Tone Two
425ƩLatin Capital Letter Esh
426ƪLatin Letter Reversed Esh Loop
427ƫLatin Small Letter T with Palatal Hook(Latin Small Letter T Palatal Hook)
428ƬLatin Capital Letter T with Hook(Latin Capital Letter T Hook)
429ƭLatin Small Letter T with Hook(Latin Small Letter T Hook)
430ƮLatin Capital Letter T with Retroflex Hook(Latin Capital Letter T Retroflex Hook)
431ƯLatin Capital Letter U with Horn(Latin Capital Letter U Horn/Ohorn)
432ưLatin Small Letter U with Horn(Latin Small Letter U Horn/ohorn)
433ƱLatin Capital Letter Upsilon
434ƲLatin Capital Letter V with Hook(Latin Capital Letter Script V)
435ƳLatin Capital Letter Y with Hook(Latin Capital Letter Y Hook)
436ƴLatin Small Letter Y with Hook(Latin Small Letter Y Hook)
437ƵLatin Capital Letter Z with Stroke(Latin Capital Letter Z Bar)
438ƶLatin Small Letter Z with Stroke(Latin Small Letter Z Bar)
439ƷLatin Capital Letter Ezh(Latin Capital Letter Yogh)
440ƸLatin Capital Letter Ezh Reversed (Latin Capital Letter Reversed Yogh)
441ƹLatin Small Letter Ezh Reversed (Latin Small Letter Reversed Yogh)
442ƺLatin Small Letter Ezh with Tail(Latin Small Letter Yogh with Tail)
443ƻLatin Letter Two with Stroke(Latin Letter Two Bar)
444ƼLatin Capital Letter Tone Five
445ƽLatin Small Letter Tone Five
446ƾLatin Letter Inverted Glottal Stop with Stroke(Latin Letter Inverted Glottal Stop Bar)
447ƿLatin Letter Wynn
448ǀLatin Letter Dental Click(Latin Letter Pipe)
449ǁLatin Letter Lateral Click(Latin Letter Double Pipe)
450ǂLatin Letter Alveolar Click(Latin Letter Pipe Double Bar)
451ǃLatin Letter Retroflex Click(Latin Exclamation Mark)
452DŽLatin Capital Letter DZ with Caron(Latin Capital Letter D Z Hacek)
453DžLatin Capital Letter D with Small Letter Z with Caron(Latin Letter Capital D Small Z Hacek)
454džLatin Small Letter DZ with Caron(Latin Small Letter D Z Hacek)
455LJLatin Capital Letter LJ(Latin Capital Letter L J)
456LjLatin Capital Letter L with Small Letter J(Latin Letter Capital L Small J)
457ljLatin Small Letter LJ(Latin Small Letter L J)
458NJLatin Capital Letter NJ(Latin Capital Letter N J)
459NjLatin Capital Letter N with Small Letter J(Latin Letter Capital N Small J)
460njLatin Small Letter NJ(Latin Small Letter N J)
461ǍLatin Capital Letter A with Caron(Latin Capital Letter A Hacek)
462ǎLatin Small Letter A with Caron(Latin Small Letter A Hacek)
463ǏLatin Capital Letter I with Caron(Latin Capital Letter I Hacek)
464ǐLatin Small Letter I with Caron(Latin Small Letter I Hacek)
465ǑLatin Capital Letter O with Caron(Latin Capital Letter O Hacek)
466ǒLatin Small Letter O with Caron(Latin Small Letter O Hacek)
467ǓLatin Capital Letter U with Caron(Latin Capital Letter U Hacek)
468ǔLatin Small Letter U with Caron(Latin Small Letter U Hacek)
469ǕLatin Capital Letter U with Diaeresis and Macron(Latin Capital Letter U Diaeresis Macron)
470ǖLatin Small Letter U with Diaeresis and Macron(Latin Small Letter U Diaeresis Macron)
471ǗLatin Capital Letter U with Diaeresis and Acute(Latin Capital Letter U Diaeresis Acute)
472ǘLatin Small Letter U with Diaeresis and Acute(Latin Small Letter U Diaeresis Acute)
473ǙLatin Capital Letter U with Diaeresis and Caron(Latin Capital Letter U Diaeresis Hacek)
474ǚLatin Small Letter U with Diaeresis and Caron(Latin Small Letter U Diaeresis Hacek)
475ǛLatin Capital Letter U with Diaeresis and Grave(Latin Capital Letter U Diaeresis Grave)
476ǜLatin Small Letter U with Diaeresis and Grave(Latin Small Letter U Diaeresis Grave)
477ǝLatin Small Letter Turned E
478ǞLatin Capital Letter A with Diaeresis and Macron(Latin Capital Letter A Diaeresis Macron)
479ǟLatin Small Letter A with Diaeresis and Macron(Latin Small Letter A Diaeresis Macron)
480ǠLatin Capital Letter A with Dot Above and Macron(Latin Capital Letter A Dot Macron)
481ǡLatin Small Letter A with Dot Above and Macron(Latin Small Letter A Dot Macron)
482ǢLatin Capital Letter AE with Macron(Latin Capital Letter A E Macron)
483ǣLatin Small Letter AE with Macron(Latin Small Letter A E Macron)
484ǤLatin Capital Letter G with Stroke(Latin Capital Letter G Bar)
485ǥLatin Small Letter G with Stroke(Latin Small Letter G Bar)
486ǦLatin Capital Letter G with Caron(Latin Capital Letter G Hacek)
487ǧLatin Small Letter G with Caron(Latin Small Letter G Hacek)
488ǨLatin Capital Letter K with Caron(Latin Capital Letter K Hacek)
489ǩLatin Small Letter K with Caron(Latin Small Letter K Hacek)
490ǪLatin Capital Letter O with Ogonek(Latin Capital Letter O Ogonek)
491ǫLatin Small Letter O with Ogonek(Latin small Letter O Ogonek)
492ǬLatin Capital Letter O with Ogonek and Macron(Latin Capital Letter O Ogonek Macron)
493ǭLatin Small Letter O with Ogonek and Macron(Latin small Letter O Ogonek Macron)
494ǮLatin Capital Letter Ezh with Caron(Latin Capital Letter Yogh Hacek)
495ǯLatin Small Letter Ezh with Caron(Latin Small Letter Yogh Hacek)
496ǰLatin Capital Letter J with Caron(Latin Capital Letter J Hacek)
497DZLatin Capital Letter DZ
498DzLatin Capital Letter D with Small Letter Z
499dzLatin Small Letter DZ
500ǴLatin Capital Letter G with Acute
501ǵLatin Small Letter G with Acute
502ǶLatin Capital Letter Hwair
503ǷLatin Capital Letter Wynn
504ǸLatin Capital Letter N with Grave
505ǹLatin Small Letter N with Grave
506ǺLatin Capital Letter A with Ring Above and Acute(Aringacute)
507ǻLatin Small Letter A with Ring Above and Acute(aringacute)
508ǼLatin Capital Letter AE with Acute
509ǽLatin Small Letter AE with Acute(aeacute)
510ǾLatin Capital Letter O with Stroke and Acute(Oslashacute)
511ǿLatin Small Letter O with Stroke and Acute(oslashacute)
512ȀLatin Capital Letter A with Double Grave
513ȁLatin Small Letter A with Double Grave
514ȂLatin Capital Letter A with Inverted Breve
515ȃLatin Small Letter A with Inverted Breve
516ȄLatin Capital Letter E with Double Grave
517ȅLatin Small Letter E with Double Grave
518ȆLatin Capital Letter E with Inverted Breve
519ȇLatin Small Letter E with Inverted Breve
520ȈLatin Capital Letter I with Double Grave
521ȉLatin Small Letter I with Double Grave
522ȊLatin Capital Letter I with Inverted Breve
523ȋLatin Small Letter I with Inverted Breve
524ȌLatin Capital Letter O with Double Grave
525ȍLatin Small Letter O with Double Grave
526ȎLatin Capital Letter O with Inverted Breve
527ȏLatin Small Letter O with Inverted Breve
528ȐLatin Capital Letter R with Double Grave
529ȑLatin Small Letter R with Double Grave
530ȒLatin Capital Letter R with Inverted Breve
531ȓLatin Small Letter R with Inverted Breve
532ȔLatin Capital Letter U with Double Grave
533ȕLatin Small Letter U with Double Grave
534ȖLatin Capital Letter U with Inverted Breve
535ȗLatin Small Letter U with Inverted Breve
536ȘLatin Capital Letter S with Comma Below
537șLatin Small Letter S with Comma Below
538ȚLatin Capital Letter T with Comma Below
539țLatin Small Letter T with Comma Below
540ȜLatin Capital Letter Yogh
541ȝLatin Small Letter Yogh
542ȞLatin Capital Letter H with Caron
543ȟLatin Small Letter H with Caron
544ȠLatin Capital Letter N with Long Right Leg
545ȡLatin Small Letter D with Curl
546ȢLatin Capital Letter OU
547ȣLatin Small Letter OU
548ȤLatin Capital Letter Z with Hook
549ȥLatin Small Letter Z with Hook
550ȦLatin Capital Letter A with Dot Above
551ȧLatin Small Letter A with Dot Above
552ȨLatin Capital Letter E with Cedilla
553ȩLatin Small Letter E with Cedilla
554ȪLatin Capital Letter O with Diaeresis and Macron(Latin Capital Letter O Diaeresis Macron)
555ȫLatin Small Letter O with Diaeresis and Macron
556ȬLatin Capital Letter O with Tilde and Macron
557ȭLatin Small Letter O with Tilde and Macron
558ȮLatin Capital Letter O with Dot Above
559ȯLatin Small Letter O with Dot Above
560ȰLatin Capital Letter O with Dot Above and Macron(Latin Capital Letter O Dot Macron)
561ȱLatin Small Letter O with Dot Above and Macron(Latin Small Letter O Dot Macron)
562ȲLatin Capital Letter Y with Macron
563ȳLatin Small Letter Y with Macron
564ȴLatin Small Letter L with Curl
565ȵLatin Small Letter N with Curl
566ȶLatin Small Letter T with Curl
ラテン拡張追加 (7680-7935)
7680Latin Capital Letter A with Ring Below
7681Latin Small Letter A with Ring Below
7682Latin Capital Letter B with Dot Above
7683Latin Small Letter B with Dot Above
7684Latin Capital Letter B with Dot Below
7685Latin Small Letter B with Dot Below
7686Latin Capital Letter B with Line Below
7687Latin Small Letter B with Line Below
7688Latin Capital Letter C with Cedilla and Acute
7689Latin Small Letter C with Cedilla and Acute
7690Latin Capital Letter D with Dot Above
7691Latin Small Letter D with Dot Above
7692Latin Capital Letter D with Dot Below
7693Latin Small Letter D with Dot Below
7694Latin Capital Letter D with Line Below
7695Latin Small Letter D with Line Below
7696Latin Capital Letter D with Cedilla
7697Latin Small Letter D with Cedilla
7698Latin Capital Letter D with Circumflex Below
7699Latin Small Letter D with Circumflex Below
7700Latin Capital Letter E with Macron and Grave
7701Latin Small Letter E with Macron and Grave
7702Latin Capital Letter E with Macron and Acute
7703Latin Small Letter E with Macron and Acute
7704Latin Capital Letter E with Circumflex Below
7705Latin Small Letter E with Circumflex Below
7706Latin Capital Letter E with Tilde Below
7707Latin Small Letter E with Tilde Below
7708Latin Capital Letter E with Cedilla and Breve
7709Latin Small Letter E with Cedilla and Breve
7710Latin Capital Letter F with Dot Above
7711Latin Small Letter F with Dot Above
7712Latin Capital Letter G with Macron
7713Latin Small Letter G with Macron
7714Latin Capital Letter H with Dot Above
7715Latin Small Letter H with Dot Above
7716Latin Capital Letter H with Dot Below
7717Latin Small Letter H with Dot Below
7718Latin Capital Letter H with Diaeresis
7719Latin Small Letter H with Diaeresis
7720Latin Capital Letter H with Cedilla
7721Latin Small Letter H with Cedilla
7722Latin Capital Letter H with Breve Below
7723Latin Small Letter H with Breve Below
7724Latin Capital Letter I with Tilde Below
7725Latin Small Letter I with Tilde Below
7726Latin Capital Letter I with Diaeresis And Acute
7727Latin Small Letter I with Diaeresis And Acute
7728Latin Capital Letter K with Acute
7729Latin Small Letter K with Acute
7730Latin Capital Letter K with Dot Below
7731Latin Small Letter K with Dot Below
7732Latin Capital Letter K with Line Below
7733Latin Small Letter K with Line Below
7734Latin Capital Letter L with Dot Below
7735Latin Small Letter L with Dot Below
7736Latin Capital Letter L with Dot Below and Macron
7737Latin Small Letter L with Dot Below and Macron
7738Latin Capital Letter L with Line Below
7739Latin Small Letter L with Line Below
7740Latin Capital Letter L with Circumflex Below
7741Latin Small Letter L with Circumflex Below
7742Latin Capital Letter M with Acute
7743ḿLatin Small Letter M with Acute
7744Latin Capital Letter M with Dot Above
7745Latin Small Letter M with Dot Above
7746Latin Capital Letter M with Dot Below
7747Latin Small Letter M with Dot Below
7748Latin Capital Letter N with Dot Above
7749Latin Small Letter N with Dot Above
7750Latin Capital Letter N with Dot Below
7751Latin Small Letter N with Dot Below
7752Latin Capital Letter N with Line Below
7753Latin Small Letter N with Line Below
7754Latin Capital Letter N with Circumflex Below
7755Latin Small Letter N with Circumflex Below
7756Latin Capital Letter O with Tilde and Acute
7757Latin Small Letter O with Tilde and Acute
7758Latin Capital Letter O with Tilde and Diaeresis
7759Latin Small Letter O with Tilde and Diaeresis
7760Latin Capital Letter O with Macron and Grave
7761Latin Small Letter O with Macron and Grave
7762Latin Capital Letter O with Macron and Acute
7763Latin Small Letter O with Macron and Acute
7764Latin Capital Letter P with Acute
7765Latin Small Letter P with Acute
7766Latin Capital Letter P with Dot Above
7767Latin Small Letter P with Dot Above
7768Latin Capital Letter R with Dot Above
7769Latin Small Letter R with Dot Above
7770Latin Capital Letter R with Dot Below
7771Latin Small Letter R with Dot Below
7772Latin Capital Letter R with Dot Below and Macron
7773Latin Small Letter R with Dot Below and Macron
7774Latin Capital Letter R with Line Below
7775Latin Small Letter R with Line Below
7776Latin Capital Letter S with Dot Above
7777Latin Small Letter S with Dot Above
7778Latin Capital Letter S with Dot Below
7779Latin Small Letter S with Dot Below
7780Latin Capital Letter S with Acute and Dot Above
7781Latin Small Letter S with Acute and Dot Above
7782Latin Capital Letter S with Caron and Dot Above
7783Latin Small Letter S with Caron Dot Above
7784Latin Capital Letter S with Dot Below and Dot Above
7785Latin Small Letter S with Dot Below and Dot Dot Above
7786Latin Capital Letter T with Dot Above
7787Latin Small Letter T with Dot Above
7788Latin Capital Letter T with Dot Below
7789Latin Small Letter T with Dot Below
7790Latin Capital Letter T with Line Below
7791Latin Small Letter T with Line Below
7792Latin Capital Letter T with Circumflex Below
7793Latin Small Letter T with Circumflex Below
7794Latin Capital Letter U with Diaeresis Below
7795Latin Small Letter U with Diaeresis Below
7796Latin Capital Letter U with Tilde Below
7797Latin Small Letter U with Tilde Below
7798Latin Capital Letter U with Circumflex Below
7799Latin Small Letter U with Circumflex Below
7800Latin Capital Letter U with Tilde and Acute
7801Latin Small Letter U with Tilde and Acute
7802Latin Capital Letter U with Macron and Diaeresis
7803Latin Small Letter U with Macron and Diaeresis
7804Latin Capital Letter V with Tilde
7805Latin Small Letter V with Tilde
7806Latin Capital Letter V with Dot Below
7807ṿLatin Small Letter V with Dot Below
7808Latin Capital Letter W with Grave
7809Latin Small Letter W with Grave
7810Latin Capital Letter W with Acute(Wacute)
7811Latin Small Letter W with Acute(wacute)
7812Latin Capital Letter W with Diaeresis
7813Latin Small Letter W with Diaeresis
7814Latin Capital Letter W with Dot Above
7815Latin Small Letter W with Dot Above
7816Latin Capital Letter W with Dot Below
7817Latin Small Letter W with Dot Below
7818Latin Capital Letter X with Dot Above
7819Latin Small Letter X with Dot Above
7820Latin Capital Letter X with Diaeresis
7821Latin Small Letter X with Diaeresis
7822Latin Capital Letter Y with Dot Above
7823Latin Small Letter Y with Dot Above
7824Latin Capital Letter Z with Circumflex
7825Latin Small Letter Z with Circumflex
7826Latin Capital Letter Z with Dot Below
7827Latin Small Letter Z with Dot Below
7828Latin Capital Letter Z with Line Below
7829Latin Small Letter Z with Line Below
7830Latin Small Letter H with Line Below
7831Latin Small Letter T with Diaeresis
7832Latin Small Letter W with Ring Above
7833Latin Small Letter Y with Ring Above
7834Latin Small Letter A with Right Half Ring
7835Latin Small Letter Long S with Dot Above
7840Latin Capital Letter A with Dot Below
7841Latin Small Letter A with Dot Below
7842Latin Capital Letter A with Hook Above
7843Latin Small Letter A with Hook Above
7844Latin Capital Letter A with Circumflex and Acute
7845Latin Small Letter A with Circumflex and Acute
7846Latin Capital Letter A with Circumflex and Grave
7847Latin Small Letter A with Circumflex and Grave
7848Latin Capital Letter A with Circumflex and Hook Above
7849Latin Small Letter A with Circumflex and Hook Above
7850Latin Capital Letter A with Circumflex and Tilde
7851Latin Small Letter A with Circumflex and Tilde
7852Latin Capital Letter A with Circumflex and Dot Below
7853Latin Small Letter A with Circumflex and Dot Below
7854Latin Capital Letter A with Breve and Acute
7855Latin Small Letter A with Breve and Acute
7856Latin Capital Letter A with Breve and Grave
7857Latin Small Letter A with Breve and Grave
7858Latin Capital Letter A with Breve and Hook Above
7859Latin Small Letter A with Breve and Hook Above
7860Latin Capital Letter A with Breve and Tilde
7861Latin Small Letter A with Breve and Tilde
7862Latin Capital Letter A with Breve and Dot Below
7863Latin Small Letter A with Breve and Dot Below
7864Latin Capital Letter E with Dot Below
7865Latin Small Letter E with Dot Below
7866Latin Capital Letter E with Hook Above
7867Latin Small Letter E with Hook Above
7868Latin Capital Letter E with Tilde
7869Latin Small Letter E with Tilde
7870Latin Capital Letter E with Circumflex and Acute
7871ếLatin Small Letter E with Circumflex and Acute
7872Latin Capital Letter E with Circumflex and Grave
7873Latin Small Letter E with Circumflex and Grave
7874Latin Capital Letter E with Circumflex and Hook above
7875Latin Small Letter E with Circumflex and Hook above
7876Latin Capital Letter E with Circumflex and Tilde
7877Latin Small Letter E with Circumflex and Tilde
7878Latin Capital Letter E with Circumflex and Dot Below
7879Latin Small Letter E with Circumflex and Dot Below
7880Latin Capital Letter I with Hook Above
7881Latin Small Letter I with Hook Above
7882Latin Capital Letter I with Dot Below
7883Latin Small Letter I with Dot Below
7884Latin Capital Letter O with Dot Below
7885Latin Small Letter O with Dot Below
7886Latin Capital Letter O with Hook Above
7887Latin Small Letter O with Hook Above
7888Latin Capital Letter O with Circumflex and Acute
7889Latin Small Letter O with Circumflex and Acute
7890Latin Capital Letter O with Circumflex and Grave
7891Latin Small Letter O with Circumflex and Grave
7892Latin Capital Letter O with Circumflex and Hook above
7893Latin Small Letter O with Circumflex and Hook above
7894Latin Capital Letter O with Circumflex and Tilde
7895Latin Small Letter O with Circumflex and Tilde
7896Latin Capital Letter O with Circumflex and Dot Below
7897Latin Small Letter O with Circumflex and Dot Below
7898Latin Capital Letter O with Horn and Acute
7899Latin Small Letter O with Horn and Acute
7900Latin Capital Letter A with Horn and Grave
7901Latin Small Letter A with Horn and Grave
7902Latin Capital Letter O with Horn and Hook Above
7903Latin Small Letter O with Horn and Hook Above
7904Latin Capital Letter O with Horn and Tilde
7905Latin Small Letter O with Horn and Tilde
7906Latin Capital Letter O with Horn and Dot Below
7907Latin Small Letter O with Horn and Dot Below
7908Latin Capital Letter U with Dot Below
7909Latin Small Letter U with Dot Below
7910Latin Capital Letter U with Hook Above
7911Latin Small Letter U with Hook Above
7912Latin Capital Letter U with Horn and Acute
7913Latin Small Letter U with Horn and Acute
7914Latin Capital Letter U with Horn and Grave
7915Latin Small Letter U with Horn and Grave
7916Latin Capital Letter U with Horn and Hook Above
7917Latin Small Letter U with Horn and Hook Above
7918Latin Capital Letter U with Horn and Tilde
7919Latin Small Letter U with Horn and Tilde
7920Latin Capital Letter U with Horn and Dot Below
7921Latin Small Letter U with Horn and Dot Below
7922Latin Capital Letter Y with Grave(Ygrave)
7923Latin Small Letter Y with Grave(ygrave)
7924Latin Capital Letter Y with Dot Below
7925Latin Small Letter Y with Dot Below
7926Latin Capital Letter Y with Hook Above
7927Latin Small Letter Y with Hook Above
7928Latin Capital Letter Y with Tilde
7929Latin Small Letter Y with Tilde